
Green Basil Leaf

Eco-Friendly Techniques for a Greener Garden

Embrace crop rotation to preserve soil health by planting different vegetable families in designated areas each year, preventing disease buildup. Create garden paths to reduce compaction, define planting areas, and utilize vertical gardening for climbing plants and structures. Upcycle materials like wooden pallets, old tires, and glass bottles to create a functional, aesthetically pleasing garden

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Modern Gardening Techniques for a Beautiful Garden That Will Last

Utilize raised beds in various materials like wood and metal to enhance soil drainage and garden organization. You can plant perennials like lavender and coneflower for low-maintenance, year-round garden aesthetics. You should implement companion planting to naturally benefit plant growth and pest control. Incorporate vertical gardening to save space and create eye-catching designs while investing in efficient watering systems. Gardening

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How To Create a Beautiful, Low-Maintenance Garden

Choose drought-resistant plants, group by water needs, and enrich the soil with organic fertilizers for low maintenance. Raised beds and mulching significantly reduce garden maintenance by controlling weeds and aiding drainage. Installing a drip irrigation system ensures efficient watering, reducing effort and aiding plant health. The right selection of fertilizers, including compost, fish emulsion, bone

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An image of a garden

Best Ways To Ensure Your Garden Plants Are Properly Watered

Deep, less frequent watering, early morning watering, using mulch, and adjusting watering according to plant needs are effective techniques for successful garden hydration. A rain gauge can optimize watering practices by providing insights into the available natural water supply. Different plants have varying water needs, influenced by size, growth stage, and planting conditions. A well-watered

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Bringing the Benefits of the Outdoors Indoors – For Homeowners

Houseplants and natural materials, such as wood and organic fabrics, bring nature’s calming influence indoors. Natural lighting enhances mood and creates an inviting atmosphere, while custom blinds provide control. Nature-inspired artwork and inspirational quotes can further the calming atmosphere and provide a mood boost. Water features like fountains and fish tanks introduce a relaxing ambiance

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glass of wine at hand. Shot with flare

Nature’s Playground: Creating a Delightful Outdoor Garden for All Ages

Design an all-age-friendly garden with diverse elements like play structures, sensory elements, and seating areas to ensure safety and accessibility.  Choose plants that appeal to different age ranges by considering their needs, interests, and preferences. Engage in activities for all ages, such as garden games for kids and bird watching for adults. Adopt unconventional gardening

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View from Here Magazine is an online blog that caters to the curiosity of home improvement enthusiasts everywhere. Our website showcases articles and blog posts about enhancing your home, sprucing up your outdoor spaces and maintaining the beauty of your property.


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